openpyxl Set Active Sheet
This is a different approach of setting active sheet in workbook by sheetname. There are similar answers (openpyxl get sheet by name for example involves opening a closed file) and others did not have enough detail for me to understand this functionality.
The Manipulating a workbook in memory tutorial is the place to start and under the answer I have used this tutorial to demonstrate there is no active sheet name, it is actually the sheet at the active index. A different sheet will become active if adding or deleting a sheet changes the sheet at the index position.
Initially I thought .create_sheet
made the sheet active but then I realised I had only created the sheet at the active sheet index which happened to be 0. The index can be set to a value greater than the number of sheets and the docs also contain a note that "If the sheet set to active is hidden return the next visible sheet or None".
verbose short answer
for s in range(len(wb.sheetnames)):
if wb.sheetnames[s] == 'charlie':
break = s
Feel free to improve this answer.
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>>> #
>>> from openpyxl import Workbook
>>> wb = Workbook()
>>> print(wb.sheetnames)
>>> print(
<Worksheet "Sheet">
>>> ws =
>>> ws.title = "alpha"
>>> ws = wb.create_sheet('bravo')
>>> print(wb.sheetnames)
[u'alpha', u'bravo']
>>> print(
<Worksheet "alpha">
>>> ws = wb.create_sheet('charlie',0) # insert at index 0
>>> print(wb.sheetnames)
[u'charlie', u'alpha', u'bravo']
>>> print(
<Worksheet "charlie">
>>> = 1
>>> print(
<Worksheet "alpha">
>>> = 2
>>> print(
<Worksheet "bravo">
>>> = 0
>>> print(
<Worksheet "charlie">
>>> = 3
>>> print(
>>> ws = wb.create_sheet(index=0) # insert at index
>>> print(
<Worksheet "bravo">
>>> print(wb.sheetnames)
[u'Sheet', u'charlie', u'alpha', u'bravo']
>>> ws_active = wb.get_sheet_by_name('charlie')
__main__:1: DeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated function get_sheet_by_name (Use wb[sheetname]).
>>> ws_active = wb['charlie']
>>> print(
<Worksheet "bravo">
>>> ws4 = wb["charlie"] # from
>>> print(
<Worksheet "bravo">
>>> for s in range(len(wb.sheetnames)):
... if wb.sheetnames[s] == 'charlie':
... break
>>> = s
>>> print(
<Worksheet "charlie">
I'm unfamiliar with the whole getters and setters thing. However, I figured out the answer. It's horribly confusing to me right now why it works this way - because it doesn't look like a typical function call. In any case, to use the "setter" you would write = 1
which uh "eats" the 1 =) and changes the active sheet. Just writing this up thinking at least one other person may ask something similar.