Openweather extention not working

Found a solution on GitLab from @StephGbzh that just worked for me using 20.04. It is most likely an expired CA certificate:

  1. check that you target the right expired certificate

    openssl x509 -issuer -enddate -noout -in /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/AddTrust_External_Root.crt

    which will produce the following:

    issuer=C = SE, O = AddTrust AB, OU = AddTrust External TTP Network, CN = AddTrust External CA Root
    notAfter=May 30 10:48:38 2020 GMT
  2. backup

    cp /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/AddTrust_External_Root.crt ~
  3. delete

    sudo rm /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/AddTrust_External_Root.crt
  4. update the system

    sudo update-ca-certificates
  5. restart gnome shell: AltF2, r, Enter

Another way to fix it without deleting .crt files, or disabling secure http.

In terminal:

Change directory.

cd /etc

Make a backup of this file.

ls -al ca-certificates.conf*
sudo cp ca-certificates.conf ca-certificates.conf.BAK
ls -al ca-certificates.conf*

Edit this file.

sudo pico ca-certificates.conf
change "AddTrust_External_Root.crt" to "!AddTrust_External_Root.crt"

Update certificates.

sudo update-ca-certificates
restart gnome shell with ALT+F2, r, ENTER
