Optional value in StringTemplate
You can use MissingQ
instead of NumericQ
template = StringTemplate["a is `a`<* If[!MissingQ[#b],\" and b is \",\"\"]*>`b`"];
template @ <|"a"->1|>
template @ <|"a"->1, "b"->2|>
"a is 1"
"a is 1 and b is 2"
Sorry for not using templates:
StringRiffle[ KeyValueMap[List]@<|"a" -> 1, "b" -> 2|>, " and ", " is "]
st[sub_] := If[KeyMemberQ[sub, "b"], StringTemplate["a is `a` and b is `b`"], StringTemplate["a is `a`"]]@sub;
st[<|"a" -> 1|>]
st[<|"a" -> 1, "b" -> 2|>]
"a is 1"
"a is 1 and b is 2"
Or you could make it more easily scalable for more different cases by defining:
strings = {{"a", "a is `a`"}, {"b", " and b is `b`"}};
compose[strings_, sub_] := Block[{st = ""},
Do[If[KeyMemberQ[sub, element[[1]]], st = st <> element[[2]]];, {element, strings}];
the strings
variable contains snippets to be added when first element is present. The function compose
checks all cases and constructs the template
compose[strings, <|"a" -> 1|>]
"a is 1"
compose[strings, <|"a" -> 1, "b" -> 2|>]
"a is 1 and b is 2"
just add more entries to strings
as you wish.