Apple - Output JXA to stdout

Found the solution: don’t use console.log or anything else. Instead of




It will be output to stdout.

It may not be the prettiest solution ever, but I think your best bet is to use the Objective-C scripting bridge. The alternative would be to deal directly with the command line and printf, which would probably be even messier.

Using the scripting bridge, you can re-assign console.log to a custom function that writes to stdout using NSFileHandle.fileHandleWithStandardOutput. If you put this definition at the top of your program, you can then use this revised console.log.

console.log = function() {
    for (argument of arguments) {
        $.NSFileHandle.fileHandleWithStandardOutput.writeData($.NSString.alloc.initWithString(String(argument) + "\n").dataUsingEncoding($.NSNEXTSTEPStringEncoding));

Note that I've added a line break at the end of each string—you may want to customize this behavior to meet your needs.