Page break after every section



rather than


In LaTeX it's almost always better to let LaTeX do the numbering.

However in either case


will add the page break.

As shown here

If you place each section into its own file and place all the files into the same folder, you can easily determine whether you would like a page break or not between each by using \include{section file} or \input{section file}.

\include{section file} places a page break after each while \input{section file} does not.

\documentclass[notitlepage, 12pt]{article}


\title{Weekly Homework X}
\author{Tony Stark\\ 
Foundations of Mathematics}


\input{file example 1}
\input{file example 2}
\input{file example 3}

\include{file example 4}


Here's another option using \sectionbreak from the titlesec package:





\section{Test section one}
\section{Test section two}
\section{Test section three}
\section{Test section four}
