Pageant does not load SSH-2 key generated with GitBash

The Pageant can load keys in the PuTTY format (.ppk) only.

If you attempt to load a key in a different format, still recognized by PuTTY tools, you get the mentioned error message:

Couldn't load this key (OpenSSH-SSH-2 private key)

You need to use the PuTTYgen to convert the key from the OpenSSH format to the PuTTY format. If the Pageant recognized the file format, the PuTTYgen can convert it.

  • Run PuTTYgen;
  • Press Load to load the private key in OpenSSH format;
  • Press Save private key to save the private key in .ppk format;
  • Now you can load the private key in .ppk format to Pageant.

Or even easier, use the PuTTYgen to create the a key directly in the PuTTY format, instead of using the ssh-keygen.

See the PuTTY wishlist for reasons it has its own key format:

Note that I believe there's no standard for SSH-2 private key file format.

PuTTY doesn't understand the id_rsa private key if it shows this error: enter image description here

You need to convert the private key to a .ppk (private key format).

  1. Open PuTTY Key Generator (Start-> search 'puttygen')
  2. You will need to import the RSA private key. To do so, open the 'Conversions' menu > 'Import key'. enter image description here
  3. Select the RSA private key to convert. enter image description here
  4. Click on "Save private key". Notice that you could also save it in another format. enter image description here
  5. Then save as 'id_rsa.ppk' enter image description here
  6. Open Pageant - PuTTY authentication agent (if not already open) enter image description here
  7. Click on "Add Key"
  8. Select your converveted private key. enter image description here
  9. As you can see, PuTTY recognise it now in the 'Pageant Key List'. enter image description here

I stillt have the problem right now. The variable SSH_GIT ist set to the TortoiseGitPlink.exe. I made a key pair with git bash

ssh-keygen -o

I loaded the key with PUTTYGen and transformed it to the *ppk version. Saved the key in the tortioseGit settings and the public key to my github account, but i still get a request to put in my credentials and afterwards my push is denied. Funny think, on my laptop it works. i am pretty sure i did everything like on my laptop.