pandas drop value in a group if values are multiple

You can try:

# find the number of unique quantity for each thing
s = df.groupby('id')['quantity'].transform('nunique')

df[s.eq(1)                 # things with only 1 quantity value (either 0 or 1)
   | df['quantity'].eq(1)  # or quantity==1 when there are 2 values


        id       date  quantity
2  thing 1 2016-09-01         1
3  thing 1 2016-10-01         1
4  thing 2 2017-01-01         1
5  thing 2 2017-02-01         1
6  thing 2 2017-02-11         1
7  thing 3 2017-09-01         0
8  thing 3 2017-10-01         0

Based on your logic, try transform with max, if max eq to original value we should keep,

#logic : only have 0 or 1  max will be 0 or 1 , 
#        if both have 0 and 1, max should be 1 we should keep all value eq to 1 

out = df[df.quantity.eq(df.groupby('id')['quantity'].transform('max'))]
        id       date  quantity
2  thing 1 2016-09-01         1
3  thing 1 2016-10-01         1
4  thing 2 2017-01-01         1
5  thing 2 2017-02-01         1
6  thing 2 2017-02-11         1
7  thing 3 2017-09-01         0
8  thing 3 2017-10-01         0