pass uri to another activity and convert it to image
Convert you URI
to String while adding to Intent
like given below
i.putExtra("imagePath", selectedImage.toString());
and in your NextActivity
get the String
and convert back to URI
like ->
Intent intent = getIntent();
String image_path= intent.getStringExtra("imagePath");
Uri fileUri = Uri.parse(image_path)
First Activity
Uri uri = data.getData(); Intent intent=new Intent(Firstclass.class,secondclass.class); intent.putExtra("imageUri", uri.toString()); startActivity(intent);
Second class
Imageview iv_photo=(ImageView)findViewById(; Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); myUri = Uri.parse(extras.getString("imageUri")); iv_photo.setImageURI(myUri);
to use the returned uir from the calling activity and then set it to a imageview you can do this
Uri imgUri=Uri.parse(imagePath);
This is a workaround for refreshing an ImageButton, which tries to cache the previous image Uri. Passing null effectively resets it.
For converting the inputStream into a bitmap you could do this
InputStream in = getContentResolver().openInputStream(Uri.parse(imagePath));
Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(getContentResolver().openInputStream(in));
and then call
to set it it a imageview, you could also check this link for an example
hope i could help