Passing an environment-variable into a php commandline script

Problem 1 Exporting environment variables

Your export is incorrect.

$ APP_ENV="development"
$ export APP_ENV

Notice that the $ is missing from the export statement! :P

First check getenv to make sure that export works:

  echo getenv ("APP_ENV");

Problem 2: Undefined index on this:

   echo $_ENV["APP_ENV"];

If you get a proper value from getenv but not the superglobal $_ENV then you may have to check your ini file.


If your $_ENV array is mysteriously empty, but you still see the variables when calling getenv() or in your phpinfo(), check your ini setting to ensure it includes "E" in the string.

Don't use $ in the export command, it should be:

export APP_ENV

You can combine this with the assignment:

export APP_ENV="development"

With the $, you were effectively doing:

export development