Passing object in RedirectToAction
You might try:
return RedirectToAction("SearchJob", "SearchJob", new RouteValueDictionary(searchJob))
Passing the searchJob
object into the RouteValueDictionary
constructor will decompose the searchJob
object and pass each property of the SearchJob
class as a top-level route value.
With the default model binder, an action defined as:
public ActionResult SearchJob(SearchJob searchJob)
Will receive a fully re-hydrated SearchJob
You can not pass classes to the redirected actions like that. Redirection is done by means of URL. Url is a string, so it can not contain classes (serializing objects to url is really out of logic here)
Instead, you could use TempData
TempData["searchJob"] = searchJob;
return RedirectToAction ...;
and in Action redirected
Entity.SearchJob = (Entity.SearchJob)TempData["searchJob"] ;
After executing of the code above, TempData will not contain searchJob anymore. TempData is generally used for single time reading.
But I do not like the way above. If I were in your place and wanted to search jobs by name, I would add route parameters like
RouteValueDictionary dict = new RouteValueDictionary();
dict.Add("searchJobName", searchJob.JobName);
and receive it to action via parameter
public ActionResult SearchJob(string searchJobName)
... do something with the name
This way, you get better user and HTTP friendly URL and from the Action point of view, it would get all the parameters it needs from outside. This is better for testing, maintenance, etc.