passing parameters to php include/require construct

Include with parameters

This is something I've used on my recent Wordpress project

Make a function functions.php:

function get_template_partial($name, $parameters) {
   // Path to templates
   $_dir = get_template_directory() . '/partials/';
   // Unless you like writing file extensions
   include( $_dir . $name . '.php' );

Get parameters in cards-block.php:

// $parameters is within the function scope
$args = array(
    'post_type' => $parameters['query'],
    'posts_per_page' => 4

Call the template index.php:

get_template_partial('cards-block', array(
    'query' => 'tf_events'

If you want a callback

For example, the total count of posts that were displayed:

Change functions.php to this:

function get_template_partial($name, $parameters) {
   // Path to templates
   $_dir = get_template_directory() . '/partials/';
   // Unless you like writing file extensions
   include( $_dir . $name . '.php' );
   return $callback; 

Change cards-block.php to this:

// $parameters is within the function scope
$args = array(
    'post_type' => $parameters['query'],
    'posts_per_page' => 4
$callback = array(
    'count' => 3 // Example

Change index.php to this:

$cardsBlock = get_template_partial('cards-block', array(
    'query' => 'tf_events'

echo 'Count: ' . $cardsBlock['count'];

You could have the required file return an anonymous function, and then call it immediately after.


$test = function($param)
    //do stuff

return $test
$testing = require 'required.php';

There isn't a way to pass parameters to include or require.

However the code that is included joins the program flow at the point where you include it, so it will inherit any variables that are in scope. So for example if you set $myflag=true immediately before the include, your included code will be able to check what $myflag is set to.

That said, I wouldn't suggest using that technique. Far better for your include file to contain functions (or a class) rather than code that gets run straight off. If you've included a file containing functions then you can call your functions with whatever parameters you want at any point in your program. It's much more flexible, and generally a better programming technique.

Hope that helps.