Passport-jwt token expiration

The standard for JWT is to include the expiry in the payload as "exp". If you do that, the passport-JWT module will respect it unless you explicitly tell it not to. Easier than implementing it yourself.


Now with more code!

I typically use the npm module jsonwebtoken for actually creating/signing my tokens, which has an option for setting expiration using friendly time offsets in the exp element of the payload. It works like so:

const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');

// in your login route'/login', (req, res) => {
  // do whatever you do to handle authentication, then issue the token:

  const token = jwt.sign(req.user, 's00perS3kritCode', { expiresIn: '30m' });
  res.send({ token });

Your JWT Strategy can then look like what you have already, from what I see, and it will automatically respect the expiration time of 30 minutes that I set above (obviously , you can set other times).

You can use the following strategy to generate JWT-token with expiration limit of 1 hr.

let token = jwt.sign({
    exp: Math.floor( / 1000) + (60 * 60),
    data: JSON.stringify(user_object)
}, 'secret_key');
res.send({token : 'JWT '+token})