Pause twice as long
Scratch, 8 blocks + 3 bytes
Equivalent in Python:
import time
n = 1
while 1:
n = n * 2
05AB1E, 6 bytes
[ # Start an infinite loop
= # Print the top of the stack without popping
No # Compute 2 ** (iteration index)
.W # Wait that many milliseconds
Try it online!
MATL, 8 bytes
The first pause is 2 seconds.
Try it at MATL Online. Or see a modified version that displays the time elapsed since the program started. (If the interpreter doesn't work, please refresh the page and try again).
Or see a gif:
` % Do...while
G % Push input
D % Display
@ % Push iteration index (1-based)
W % 2 raised to that
Y. % Pause for that time
T % Push true. This will be used as loop confition
% End (implicit). The top of the stack is true, which produces an infinite loop