pdflatex fonts in lualatex
The URW Grotesk font is only available as PostScript Type 1 font and can therefore not used via fontspec
. However, the old font switching commands still work, when you also change the font encoding:
\newcommand{\fontcommand}[1]{{\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{ugq}\selectfont #1}}
This can be used with pdflatex and lualatex, e.g.:
\newcommand{\fontcommand}[1]{{\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{ugq}\selectfont #1}}
\fontcommand{The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.}
Since you already have the Type 1 fonts, Ralf Stubner’s answer is likely to be more practical for you. However, URW Grotesk is a commercial font also available in TrueType and OpenType formats. Your company might have purchased the OpenType font, which you can use through the simple (but deprecated) commands
\defaultfontfeatures{Scale = MatchLowercase}
\setsansfont{URW Grotesk}
In this case, you would replace \fontfamily{ugq}
with \sffamily
. If this doesn’t work, you could use the newer interface:
UprightFont = *-Reg ,
BoldFont = *-Bol ,
ItalicFont = *-RegIta ,
BoldItalicFont = *-BolIta ,
Extension = .otf
Since the original template and perhaps other legacy documents refer to the NFSS font family, you could keep compatibility by adding the option, inside the square brackets, NFSSFamily = ugq
. That should enable the command you gave to continue to work. You also could save a similar definition to a file named URWGrotesk.fontspec
and use that to keep your source documents nice and simple. In this case, be sure to add Ligatures = Common
inside the square brackets. This was the default for \setmainfont
and \setsansfont
, but needs to be specified for \newfontfamily
Failing that, the closest free substitutes would be Helvetica clones such as Geneva, Arial, TeX Gyre Heros or Nimbus Sans.