pg_dump postgres database from remote server when port 5432 is blocked
You can connect with ssh to your remote server, do with the connect the pg_dump call and send the output back to stdout of local machine.
ssh user@remote_machine "pg_dump -U dbuser -h localhost -C --column-inserts" \
> backup_file_on_your_local_machine.sql
let's create a backup from remote postgresql database using pg_dump:
pg_dump -h [host address] -Fc -o -U [database user] <database name> > [dump file]
later it could be restored at the same remote server using:
sudo -u postgres pg_restore -C mydb_backup.dump
pg_dump -h -Fc -o -U myuser mydb > mydb_backup.dump
complete (all databases and objects)
pg_dumpall -U myuser -h --clean --file=mydb_backup.dump
restore from pg_dumpall --clean:
psql -f mydb_backup.dump postgres #it doesn't matter which db you select here
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