If you want to change precedence of $_GET
over $_POST
in the $_REQUEST
array, change the request_order directive in php.ini.
The default value is:
request_order = "GP"
P stands for POST and G stands for GET, and the later values have precedence, so in this configuration, a value in the query string will override a value passed by POST in the $_REQUEST
array. If you want POST to override GET values, just switch them around like so:
request_order = "PG"
You'll need to restart the webserver/php for that to take effect.
(Edited to use the more appropriate request_order as Brad suggested, rather than variables_order)
See the request_order
directive in PHP.ini.
Really though, you should be explicitly using the superglobal that you specifically want. Otherwise, you cannot rely on consistent behavior from system to system, and then your variables can be accidentally overwritten.
See the request order parameter of PHP. Here you can set whether the array fills post, get, cookie or any combo thereof.