PHP unique array by value?
Please find this link useful, uses md5 hash to examine the duplicates:
Quick Glimpse:
* Create Unique Arrays using an md5 hash
* @param array $array
* @return array
function arrayUnique($array, $preserveKeys = false)
// Unique Array for return
$arrayRewrite = array();
// Array with the md5 hashes
$arrayHashes = array();
foreach($array as $key => $item) {
// Serialize the current element and create a md5 hash
$hash = md5(serialize($item));
// If the md5 didn't come up yet, add the element to
// to arrayRewrite, otherwise drop it
if (!isset($arrayHashes[$hash])) {
// Save the current element hash
$arrayHashes[$hash] = $hash;
// Add element to the unique Array
if ($preserveKeys) {
$arrayRewrite[$key] = $item;
} else {
$arrayRewrite[] = $item;
return $arrayRewrite;
$uniqueArray = arrayUnique($array);
See the working example here:
Serialisation is very useful for simplifying the process of establishing the uniqueness of a hierarchical array. Use this one liner to retrieve an array containing only unique elements.
$unique = array_map("unserialize", array_unique(array_map("serialize", $input)));
$unique_array = [];
foreach($your_array as $element) {
$hash = $element[field-that-should-be-unique];
$unique_array[$hash] = $element;
$result = array_values($unique_array);