Pie chart not using percent numbers

I am not aware if pgf-pie is supporting this. Otherwise you can use the following code to create your chart. It could also be used in a newcommand or the pic-environment to make it reusable.

You can adjust the parameters mysegments (number of segements) and myradius (radius of segments) for customization.

\documentclass[tikz, border=5mm]{standalone}

    \foreach \x in {1,...,\mysegments} {
        \draw (0,0) --++ (360/\mysegments*\x:\myradius) arc (360/\mysegments*\x:360/\mysegments*(\x+1):\myradius);
        \node at (360/\mysegments*\x-180/\mysegments:\myradius/2) {\x};

rendered image

Or with 15 segments (\def\mysemgments{15}): rendered image

If you want the segments to be able to have different sizes, you can do it like this:


\documentclass[tikz, border=2mm]{standalone}


%[fill color] parts/color, size, rotate
{   \xdef\PieSum{0}
    \foreach \Seg/\Col in {#2}
    {   \pgfmathparse{\PieSum+\Seg}
        \foreach \Seg/\Col [count=\C] in {#2}
        {   \pgfmathsetmacro{\PieDeg}{\Seg/\PieSum*360}
            \fill[#1, \Col, draw=black] (0,0) -- ++ (\PieDone:#3) arc (\PieDone:\PieDone+\PieDeg:#3) -- cycle;
            \node at  (\PieDone+\PieDeg/2:#3*0.7) {\C};




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