pip freeze does not show all installed packages

I just tried this myself:

create a virtualenv in to the "env" directory:

$virtualenv2.7 --distribute env
New python executable in env/bin/python
Installing distribute....done.
Installing pip................done.

next, activate the virtual environment:

$source env/bin/activate

the prompt changed. now install fabric:

(env)$pip install fabric
Downloading/unpacking fabric
  Downloading Fabric-1.6.1.tar.gz (216Kb): 216Kb downloaded
  Running setup.py egg_info for package fabric   

Successfully installed fabric paramiko pycrypto
Cleaning up...

And pip freeze shows the correct result:

(env)$pip freeze

Maybe you forgot to activate the virtual environment? On a *nix console type which pip to find out.

Although your problem was specifically due to a typo, to help other users:

pip freeze doesn't show the dependencies that pip depends on. If you want to obtain all packages you can use pip freeze --all or pip list.