Plot coordinates on map
An other alternative, is the plotGoogleMaps
package which allows to plot in a navigator, allowing to zoom in and out etc. You can then make a screenshot of your picture to save it (though remember google maps are legally supposed to be used for the internet).
lat <- c(-38.31, -35.50) #define our map's ylim
lon <- c(40.96,37.50) #define our map's xlim
# make your coordinates a data frame
coords <-,lat=lat))
# make it a spatial object by defining its coordinates in a reference system
coordinates(coords) <- ~lat+lon
# you also need a reference system, the following should be a fine default
proj4string(coords) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
# Note: it is a short for:
> CRS arguments:
> +init=epsg:4326 +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
# then just plot
a <- plotGoogleMaps(coords)
# here `a <-` avoids that you get flooded by the html version of what you plot
And you get :
As an alternative to RgoogleMaps
, you can also use the combination ggplot2
with ggmap
With this code:
# loading the required packages
# creating a sample data.frame with your lat/lon points
lon <- c(-38.31,-35.5)
lat <- c(40.96, 37.5)
df <-,lat))
# getting the map
mapgilbert <- get_map(location = c(lon = mean(df$lon), lat = mean(df$lat)), zoom = 4,
maptype = "satellite", scale = 2)
# plotting the map with some points on it
ggmap(mapgilbert) +
geom_point(data = df, aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = "red", alpha = 0.8), size = 5, shape = 21) +
guides(fill=FALSE, alpha=FALSE, size=FALSE)
you get this result:
Another option is using the leaflet package (as suggested here). Unlike Google Maps it does not require any API key.
install.packages(c("leaflet", "sp"))
df <- data.frame(longitude = runif(10, -97.365268, -97.356546),
latitude = runif(10, 32.706071, 32.712210))
coordinates(df) <- ~longitude+latitude
leaflet(df) %>% addMarkers() %>% addTiles()