Wordpress - Plugin View Details Link

The 'View details' link in the installed plugins list table is only shown for plugins that are hosted in the WordPress.org plugin repository. If you take a look at the source for WP_Plugins_List_Table->single_row(), you'll see that the details link is only generated if there's API data present, e.g. the slug is set:

// Details link using API info, if available
if ( isset( $plugin_data['slug'] ) && current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) {
    $plugin_meta[] = sprintf( '<a href="%s" class="thickbox" aria-label="%s" data-title="%s">%s</a>',
        esc_url( network_admin_url( 'plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin=' . $plugin_data['slug'] .
            '&TB_iframe=true&width=600&height=550' ) ),
        esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'More information about %s' ), $plugin_name ) ),
        esc_attr( $plugin_name ),
        __( 'View details' )
} elseif ( ! empty( $plugin_data['PluginURI'] ) ) {
    $plugin_meta[] = sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>',
        esc_url( $plugin_data['PluginURI'] ),
        __( 'Visit plugin site' )


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