Poll success, but error: Operation now in progress (29). when Xdebug trying connect to PhpStorm from docker container
Xdebug can't connect to PhpStorm because PhpStorm was not reachable by my external host ip. How I debug it. First I checked from docker container that PhpStorm listen port (9000 in my case)
nc -vz external_ip 9000
It got (tcp) failed: Connection refused
I try the same from the host and also got the error
Then I tried from host
nc -vz localhost 9000
And I got [tcp/*] succeeded!
So the problem in xdebug.remote_host not in PhpStorm probably
I found host ip in container
netstat -nr | grep '^0\.0\.0\.0' | awk '{print $2}'
Put it in xdebug.remote_host and now it works correctly
Thanks for @LazyOne
In my case I simply set the following xdebug conf:
should 'magically' find the host's IP (cf. documentation). Note that this requires Docker v18.03+ and currently only works on Mac and Windows hosts.
May be your xdebug.remote_port 9000 is using by php-fpm. You try changing other port. Example xdebug.remote_port=9001 and in launch.json file still port=9000