Polymer 1.0: How to pass an event to a child-node element without using <iron-signals>?
You definitely can. Without iron-signals
you've got three options (that I currently know of):
- Get the parent and have the child attach an event listener to the parent
- The parent can have the child fire the same event
- You mentioned that events only go up. You can then make the child element listen to the
firing that event (but I think this is bad)
Here's an example
<!doctype html>
<base href="http://polygit.org/components/">
<script src="webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
<link href="polymer/polymer.html" rel="import">
<dom-module id="parent-element">
<button id="btn" on-tap="_fireParentEvent1">Fire 1!</button>
<button id="btn" on-tap="_fireParentEvent2">Fire 2!</button>
<button id="btn" on-tap="_fireParentEvent3">Fire 3!</button>
<dom-module id="child-element">
:host {
display: block;
<span id="changeMe">Message</span>
(function registerElements() {
is: 'parent-element',
listeners: {
'event-two': '_attachToChild'
_attachToChild: function(e) {
// the parent makes the child fire an event
var childElement = Polymer.dom(this.root).querySelector('child-element');
childElement.fire('event-two', e.detail);
_fireParentEvent1: function(e) {
// the parent fires an event
this.fire('event-one', {
message: 'hello'
_fireParentEvent2: function(e) {
this.fire('event-two', {
message: 'goodbye'
_fireParentEvent3: function(e) {
// the parent fires an event
this.fire('event-three', {
message: 'game over'
is: 'child-element',
listeners: {
'event-two': '_handleEventTwo'
ready: function() {
var parent = this.parentNode;
// the child listens to the parent's event
parent.addEventListener('event-one', function(e) {
this.$.changeMe.innerHTML = e.detail.message;
// listen to the document level event (since events travel up)
// but this option is difficult to control
document.addEventListener('event-three', function(e) {
this.$.changeMe.innerHTML = e.detail.message;
_handleEventTwo: function(e) {
this.$.changeMe.innerHTML = e.detail.message;
With Polymer 1.2.4 as documented here we can use fire
method options and force a child node (while still inside a parent element) to fire (and listen first of course) an event:
this.fire('test', {
user: {
name: 'Marios',
gender: 'male'
}, {
node: Polymer.dom(this.root).querySelectorAll('my-child-element'),
bubbles: false
We fired a custom event from an element but the emitter is the my-child-element
so in there we can attach a listener in the listeners
object. We also prevent the event bubbling so this event won't move upwards following the parents elements path. A typical listener could be:
is: 'my-child-element',
properties: {
listeners: {
'test': '_myHandler'
_myHandler: function(e) {
var user = e.detail.user;
@arthur in the Polymer Slack site says:
Events tend to go up the DOM tree. Going down, you can use a data binding or invoke a method.
Polymer Slack Site