Polynomials dense with primes
It is known (it follows from Brun's sieve, or more modern sieves) that for any fixed polynomial $p$, there exists a constant $c_p$ such that $$ \# \{ n\le x\colon p(n) \text{ is prime} \} < c_p \frac x{\log x}. $$ In particular, your density $\Delta$ equals $0$ for any polynomial (as Will Sawin commented).
For irreducible polynomials without obvious obstructions (such as all the values being even), it is conjectured that $\# \{ n\le x\colon p(n) \text{ is prime} \} \sim s_p \frac x{\log x}$ for some constant $s_p$ as $x\to\infty$; but this is an open problem for any polynomial $p$ of degree greater than $1$.
This has been asked multiple times before (with three variations by yours truly), so is a mega-duplicate, if you will:
Bateman-Horn, continued even further
Bateman-Horn conjecture, continued
Unexpectedly prime rich cubic polynomial
And even resulted in a preprint: