Postgresql : Search field contain tab character. (With LIKE)

you have to use a literal tab chacater,

 SELECT id FROM account WHERE description LIKE '%   %';

In psql type ctrl-V and then TAB to enter a tab. in other environments there are other ways to enter literal tabs.

Alternatively you can use escape string syntax: e'%\t%', or octal escape e'%\011%'.

I'm very late to this party, but having looked into this today, I've found you can also use regular expression.

SELECT id FROM account WHERE description ~ '\t';

In SQL there is no "escaping" of characters like \t. You can use the chr() function for this:

select id
from account
where description LIKE '%'||chr(9)||'%'

I prefer the strpos function in this case, because I think it makes the intention clearer

select id
from account
where strpos(description, chr(9)) > 0

