Prevent Bootstrap dropdown from closing on clicks

I believe this should be a more proper solution, as stopping propagation on the click event might sometimes cause issues later on in development. You may read more into it here: Instead this solution stops propagation on the Bootstrap hide ( event, which stops it from continuing on to the hidden ( event.

The following code has been taken and edited by myself to make it work on all Bootstrap dropdowns, as it has originally been taken from here: Preventing bootstrap dropdown from closing on click I personally prefer this way also because it uses the built in Bootstrap dropdown events, which could be found here:

  $(function() {
          "click": function(event) {
            if ($('.dropdown-toggle').length) {
              $(this).data('closable', true);
            } else {
              $(this).data('closable', false);
          "": function(event) {
            hide = $(this).data('closable');
            $(this).data('closable', true);
            return hide;

You need to stop event from bubbling up the DOM tree:

$('.dropdown-menu').click(function(e) {

event.stopPropagation prevents event from reaching the node where it's eventually handled by Bootstrap hiding menu.
