Preventing iOS Keyboard from scrolling page in cordova 3.5

From my experience, and saying this as a developer who avoids 3rd party plugins as much as possible, I've found that virtual keyboard issues in Cordova are best solved with a plugin.

The Cordova plugin directory has several keyboard plugins (

I recommend the following plugin:

Which provides the following command to disable scrolling when the virtual keyboard is open.


Add this plugin with

cordova plugin add

in the command line.

Add the following line anywhere it the javascript to disable scrolling from the keyboard.


In my use case, I added a deviceready event listener to evaluate this line, disabling the automatic keyboard scrolling everywhere in the app.

That's it!

After a lot of research I found a really simple answer and none of the others worked.

In your css do:

html {
  touch-action: none;
body {
  touch-action: all;