Print the Oscars Best Picture Winner

Vim, 37 bytes

3iLa <esc>snd<esc>gs:s/./&<C-v>u336/g
A Moonlight

A fairly straightforward solution.

Here is an animation of it running:

enter image description here

HTML, 153 148 bytes

Using CSS animation. Tested on Firefox and Chrome only.

<s>La La Land</s> <b>Moonlight<style>@keyframes l{0%{text-decoration:none}}@keyframes m{0%{opacity:0}}b,s{animation:m 0s 1s both}s{animation-name:l}

<s>La La Land</s> <b>Moonlight</b>

HTML + JavaScript, 18 + 59 = 77 bytes

setTimeout('O.innerHTML="<s>La La Land</s> Moonlight"',1e3)
<p id=O>La La Land

Sadly, there doesn't seem to be an efficient way to reuse O.innerHTML...