Printing a handout of a Beamer presentation, the resulting pdf is shrunk!
This has nothing to do with TeX
, just with your printing properties. The document generated by your above MWE has a size of 128 mm \times
192 mm, so it is much smaller then Din A4. If you print it without scaling you will end up with a small image in the centre of the paper:
If you let your printer do its job and either scale it (e.g. 140% seems to be a good start) or fit to paper
, you will get the whole page filled:
Or, instead of fiddling around with the printer options, compile the pdf directly to a Din A4 version, i.e. not interfering with the pgf
resizing by omitting on second screen
\pgfpagesuselayout{2 on 1}[landscape,a4paper,border shrink=5mm]
\setbeameroption{show notes}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=pink}
\mode<presentation> {
Notes for the title page
Notes for the table of contents
\section{Frame 1}
\frametitle{Frame with notes 1}
Notes for the first frame
\section{Frame 2}
\frametitle{Frame with notes 2}
Notes for the second frame
\section{Frame 3}
\frametitle{Frame with notes 3}
Notes for the third frame
The following solution is really ugly and I hope someone finds a nicer one. I set the papersize explicitly to A4 (the height is half of it, because it consists of two slides):
\documentclass[handout, xcolor={dvipsnames,table}]{beamer}
% A4 Paper Size and some small additional margin
\paperheight=143.5mm %297mm / 2 - 5mm
\paperwidth=205mm % 210mm -5mm
% border shrink and a4paper doesn't seem to work like I wanted it to..
\pgfpagesuselayout{resize to}[a4paper,border shrink=5mm] % could also use letterpaper
\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen=bottom} % Beamer manual, section 19.3
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=pink}
\setbeamertemplate{note page}[plain] % Beamer manual, section 19.1
\rmfamily \scriptsize%
\setlength{\parindent}{1em} \setlength{\parskip}{1ex}%
Title slide
\note{this is a note}
This is the first slide
\note{this is another note}
To change the borders just shrink the papersizes.