Printing out items in any Collection in reverse order?

Regardless from the question not making much sense as half of the collections have no gstable ordering of have fixed-ordering (i.e. TreeSet or PriorityQueue), you can use the following statement for printing the contents of a collection in reverse-natural order:

List temp = new ArrayList(src);

I essence you create an array list as lists are the only structure that can be arbitrarily reordered. You pass the src collection to the constructor which initializes the list withj the contents of the src in the collection natural order. Then you pass the list to the Collections.reverse() method which reverses the list and finally you print it.

First, I believe it is asking you to write a method. Like:

void printReverseList(Collection col) {}

Then there are many ways to do this. For example, only using the Collection API, use the toArray method and use a for loop to print out all the items from the end. Make sense?

As for the various classes using the Collection interface, it will automatically work for all of those since they must implement the interface (provided they implement it in a sane way;).