Printing unique lines

To print each identical line only one, in any order:

sort -u

To print only the unique lines, in any order:

sort | uniq -u

To print each identical line only once, in the order of their first occurrence: (for each line, print the line if it hasn't been seen yet, then in any case increment the seen counter)

awk '!seen[$0] {print}

To print only the unique lines, in the order of their first occurrence: (record each line in seen, and also in lines if it's the first occurrence; at the end of the input, print the lines in order of occurrence but only the ones seen only once)

awk '!seen[$0]++ {lines[i++]=$0}
     END {for (i in lines) if (seen[lines[i]]==1) print lines[i]}'

Some (most?) versions of sort have a -u flag that does the uniq part directly. Might be some line length restrictions depending on the implementation though, but you had those already with plain sort|uniq.