Problem with vertical space in Memoir title
Add \strut
on each line. This is a box of zero width and height that extends just above and below the baseline which ensures that each line has the same vertical dimension.
Alternatively you could add a \vphantom
so that each line has the same vertical dimension. This has the advantage of producing a tighter box, but the disadvantage that you need to specify paramterts which include the characters with the largest depth and height.
Here is a comparison of boxes with no adjustment, using \strut
and \vphantom{}
\begin{tabular}{c c c}
& strut & vphantom\\
\fbox{g}\fbox{f} &
\fbox{g\strut}\fbox{f\strut} &
There's no huge
environment; there's the switch \huge
\title{Estudo e modelagem de \\ soluções de otimização discreta para \\ grades horárias}
Trabalho de Conclusão do Curso de \\
Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação
\pretitle {\begin{OnehalfSpacing} \begin{flushright}\huge\scshape}
\posttitle {\\[1cm]\normalfont\sffamily\Large \subtitle\end{flushright}\end{OnehalfSpacing}}