Process large JSON stream with jq

To get:

{"key1": "row1", "key2": "row1"}
{"key1": "row2", "key2": "row2"}


      "columns": ["n"],
      "data": [    
        {"row": [{"key1": "row1", "key2": "row1"}], "meta": [{"key": "value"}]},
        {"row": [{"key1": "row2", "key2": "row2"}], "meta": [{"key": "value"}]}
  "errors": []

Do the following, which is equivalent to jq -c '.results[].data[].row[]', but using streaming:

jq -cn --stream 'fromstream(1|truncate_stream(inputs | select(.[0][0] == "results" and .[0][2] == "data" and .[0][4] == "row") | del(.[0][0:5])))'

What this does is:

  • Turn the JSON into a stream (with --stream)
  • Select the path .results[].data[].row[] (with select(.[0][0] == "results" and .[0][2] == "data" and .[0][4] == "row")
  • Discard those initial parts of the path, like "results",0,"data",0,"row" (with del(.[0][0:5]))
  • And finally turn the resulting jq stream back into the expected JSON with the fromstream(1|truncate_stream(…)) pattern from the jq FAQ

For example:

echo '
        "columns": ["n"],
        "data": [    
          {"row": [{"key1": "row1", "key2": "row1"}], "meta": [{"key": "value"}]},
          {"row": [{"key1": "row2", "key2": "row2"}], "meta": [{"key": "value"}]}
    "errors": []
' | jq -cn --stream '
    inputs | select(
      .[0][0] == "results" and 
      .[0][2] == "data" and 
      .[0][4] == "row"
    ) | del(.[0][0:5])

Produces the desired output.

(1) The vanilla filter you would use would be as follows:

jq -r -c '.results[0].data[].row'

(2) One way to use the streaming parser here would be to use it to process the output of .results[0].data, but the combination of the two steps will probably be slower than the vanilla approach.

(3) To produce the output you want, you could run:

jq -nc --stream '
    | select( [.[0][0,2,4]] == ["results", "data", "row"])
    | del(.[0][0:5]) )'

(4) Alternatively, you may wish to try something along these lines:

jq -nc --stream 'inputs
      | select(length==2)
      | select( [.[0][0,2,4]] == ["results", "data", "row"])
      | [ .[0][6], .[1]] '

For the illustrative input, the output from the last invocation would be:

["key1","row1"] ["key2","row1"] ["key1","row2"] ["key2","row2"]


