Programmatically creating an SVG image element with javascript

SVG native attributes (not including xlink:href) do not share the SVG namespace; you can either use just setAttribute instead of setAttributeNS, or use


for example.

Here it is, working:

Note that I changed your fiddle to properly use XHTML, so that SVG works nicely within it in all major browsers.

For futher reference.

I've been using the function bellow to create SVG elements and it was failing to create images because of xlink:href must be created using setAtributeNS.

The code bellow is corrected to do that (create any svg element on the fly)

function makeSVG(parent, tag, attrs) {
            var el= document.createElementNS('', tag);
            for (var k in attrs){
                    el.setAttributeNS('', 'href', attrs[k]);
                    el.setAttribute(k, attrs[k]);

Sample usage:

makeSVG('#map-tiles', 'image', { class:'map-tile', 'xlink:href':'map/xxx.jpg', width:'512px', height: '512px' x:'0', y:'0'});

The parent is used to organize 'layers' on svg groups tag.