Programmatically detect if app is being run on device or simulator
Check if simulator
// Simulator
Check if device
// Device
Check for both
// Simulator
// Device
Please note that you should not ifdef
because it will always be defined to either 1
or 0
// Device
Pls refer this previous SO question also What #defines are set up by Xcode when compiling for iPhone
I created a macro in which you can specify which actions you want to perform inside parentheses and these actions will only be performed if the device is being simulated.
#define SIM(x) if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice].model lowercaseString] rangeOfString:@"simulator"].location != NSNotFound){x;}
This is used like this:
SIM(NSLog(@"This will only be logged if the device is simulated"));
TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR is defined on the device (but defined to false). and defined as below
NSString * const DeviceMode = @"Simulator";
NSString * const DeviceMode = @"Device";
Just use DeviceMode
to know between device and simulator