Programmatically fire button click event?
Why not just execute the code that executes when the user presses the button?
// do stuff
[self myMethod];
[self myMethod];
// OR
[self myButtonClick:nil];
Sort of like Ken's answer, but more flexible as it'll keep track of the buttons actual actions if you change them or add more than one.
[button sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
I had the same issue as above. I would have posted a comment, but my reputation isn't high enough. So, I will instead post the full answer:
[btn setHighlighted:YES];
[btn sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[btn performSelector:@selector(setHighlighted:) withObject:NO afterDelay:0.25];
This will programmatically hit the button and highlight it for a seemingly normal amount of time. Richie's suggestion didn't work as the button was only highlighted (if at all) for an imperceptible amount of time.