Proper way to calculate the height and width of a SVG text

Maybe there is no good way to achieve exactly what I was after. However, giving up the "without actually adding it to the DOM of my page" part, the following function seems to achieve my goal.

function bboxText( svgDocument, string ) {
    var data = svgDocument.createTextNode( string );

    var svgElement = svgDocument.createElementNS( svgns, "text" );

    svgDocument.documentElement.appendChild( svgElement );

    var bbox = svgElement.getBBox();


    return bbox;


A note on the calculation of the height: the height of the bbox returned, i.e. bbox.height, is always the full height of the glyph, i.e. a will have the same height as A. And I could not find a way to calculate them more exactly.

However, one can calculate the height of uppercase accented characters, e.g. Ä. This will be just the negative of the y coordinate of the bbox, i.e. -bbox.y.

Using this one can calculate, for example, some coordinates for vertical alignment. For example to emulate the dominantBaseline attribute set to text-before-edge, text-after-edge, and central.

text-before-edge: dy = -bbox.y

text-after-edge: dy = -bbox.height -bbox.y

central: dy = -bbox.y -bbox.height/2

Where dy is the vertical translation. This can be used to get around limitations of some applications that do not support these alignments set by attributes.