Properly removing an Integer from a List<Integer>

Java always calls the method that best suits your argument. Auto boxing and implicit upcasting is only performed if there's no method which can be called without casting / auto boxing.

The List interface specifies two remove methods (please note the naming of the arguments):

  • remove(Object o)
  • remove(int index)

That means that list.remove(1) removes the object at position 1 and remove(new Integer(1)) removes the first occurrence of the specified element from this list.

You can use casting

list.remove((int) n);


list.remove((Integer) n);

It doesn't matter if n is an int or Integer, the method will always call the one you expect.

Using (Integer) n or Integer.valueOf(n) is more efficient than new Integer(n) as the first two can use the Integer cache, whereas the later will always create an object.

I don't know about 'proper' way, but the way you suggested works just fine:


removes element at given position and


removes given object from the list.

It's because VM at first attempts to find method declared with exactly the same parameter type and only then tries autoboxing.