Property exists but property_exists() return false;

I see you're using Laravel, so I guess this are Eloquent models. They're probably using magic methods to create dynamic properties and methods from your database columns. Take a look here:

So, instead of having real properties, every time you request a property, they will check if there's any column or relationship and return that instead.

You can get your model attributes with the getAttributes() method (

class Pais
    public function __get($name) {
        if ($name == 'id') {
            return 1;
$pais = new Pais();
var_dump($pais->id); // int(1)
var_dump(property_exists($pais, 'id')); // bool(false)

You can convert the model to an array and then use array_key_exists. Eloquent object properties are set via magic methods, so property_exists will not work, especially if the property actually does exist but is set to null.


$pais = Pais::find(1);

if (array_key_exists('country', $pais->toArray())) {
    // do stuff

Note the use of toArray on the model.