Proving that Multiplication is commutative
If you'd like to write this more concisely (and without the use of tactics, solvers, etc...), you can rely on the fact that most of your needed lemmas are expressible in terms of your main goal theorems.
For example:
n * 0 = 0
follows frommult_comm
.n + 0 = n
follows fromplus_comm
.S (n + m) = n + S m
follows fromplus_comm
(by two rewrites and reduction).
With such things taken into account, mult_comm
is relatively comfortably provable with just plus_assoc
and plus_comm
as lemmas:
Theorem plus_assoc : forall a b c, a + (b + c) = a + b + c.
induction a.
(* Case Z *) reflexivity.
(* Case S a *) simpl. rewrite IHa. reflexivity.
Theorem plus_comm : forall a b, a + b = b + a.
induction a.
(* Case Z *)
induction b.
(* Case Z *) reflexivity.
(* Case S b *) simpl. rewrite <- IHb. reflexivity.
(* Case a = S a *)
induction b.
(* Case Z *)
simpl. rewrite (IHa 0). reflexivity.
(* Case S b *)
simpl. rewrite <- IHb.
simpl. rewrite (IHa (S b)).
simpl. rewrite (IHa b).
Theorem mul_comm : forall a b, a * b = b * a.
induction a.
(* Case Z *)
induction b.
(* Case Z *) reflexivity.
(* Case S b *) simpl. rewrite <- IHb. reflexivity.
(* Case S a *)
induction b.
(* Case Z *)
simpl. rewrite (IHa 0). reflexivity.
(* Case S b *)
simpl. rewrite <- IHb.
rewrite (IHa (S b)).
simpl. rewrite (IHa b).
rewrite (plus_assoc b a (b * a)).
rewrite (plus_assoc a b (b * a)).
rewrite (plus_comm a b).
NB: the lazy standard library way to do this would be the ring
Require Import Arith.
Theorem plus_comm2 : forall a b, a * b = b * a.
Proof. intros. ring. Qed.
Well, this is probably not what you wanted, but since you (originally) tagged in Haskell, and I just happened to work out how to do this in Haskell today, have some code!
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, GADTs, TypeOperators,
ScopedTypeVariables, UndecidableInstances,
PolyKinds, DataKinds #-}
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Proxy
data Nat = Z | S Nat
data SNat :: Nat -> * where
Zy :: SNat 'Z
Sy :: SNat n -> SNat ('S n)
infixl 6 :+
type family (:+) (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) :: Nat where
'Z :+ n = n
'S m :+ n = 'S (m :+ n)
infixl 7 :*
type family (:*) (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) :: Nat where
'Z :* n = 'Z
('S m) :* n = n :+ (m :* n)
add :: SNat m -> SNat n -> SNat (m :+ n)
add Zy n = n
add (Sy m) n = Sy (add m n)
mul :: SNat m -> SNat n -> SNat (m :* n)
mul Zy _n = Zy
mul (Sy m) n = add n (mul m n)
addP :: proxy1 m -> proxy2 n -> Proxy (m :+ n)
addP _ _ = Proxy
mulP :: proxy1 m -> proxy2 n -> Proxy (m :* n)
mulP _ _ = Proxy
addAssoc :: SNat m -> proxy1 n -> proxy2 o ->
m :+ (n :+ o) :~: (m :+ n) :+ o
addAssoc Zy _ _ = Refl
addAssoc (Sy m) n o = case addAssoc m n o of Refl -> Refl
zeroAddRightUnit :: SNat m -> m :+ 'Z :~: m
zeroAddRightUnit Zy = Refl
zeroAddRightUnit (Sy n) =
case zeroAddRightUnit n of Refl -> Refl
plusSuccRightSucc :: SNat m -> proxy n ->
'S (m :+ n) :~: (m :+ 'S n)
plusSuccRightSucc Zy _ = Refl
plusSuccRightSucc (Sy m) n =
case plusSuccRightSucc m n of Refl -> Refl
addComm :: SNat m -> SNat n ->
m :+ n :~: n :+ m
addComm Zy n = sym $ zeroAddRightUnit n
addComm (Sy m) n =
case addComm m n of
Refl -> plusSuccRightSucc n m
mulComm :: SNat m -> SNat n ->
m :* n :~: n :* m
mulComm Zy Zy = Refl
mulComm (Sy pm) Zy =
case mulComm pm Zy of Refl -> Refl
mulComm Zy (Sy pn) =
case mulComm Zy pn of Refl -> Refl
mulComm (Sy m) (Sy n) =
case mulComm m (Sy n) of {Refl ->
case mulComm n (Sy m) of {Refl ->
case addAssoc n m (mulP n m) of {Refl ->
case addAssoc m n (mulP m n) of {Refl ->
case addComm m n of {Refl ->
case mulComm m n of Refl -> Refl}}}}}
Some extra free stuff!
distrR :: forall m n o proxy . SNat m -> proxy n -> SNat o ->
(m :+ n) :* o :~: m :* o :+ n :* o
distrR Zy _ _ = Refl
distrR (Sy pm) n o =
case distrR pm n o of {Refl ->
case addAssoc o (mulP pm o) (mulP n o) of
Refl -> Refl}
distrL :: SNat m -> SNat n -> SNat o ->
m :* (n :+ o) :~: m :* n :+ m :* o
distrL m n o =
case mulComm m (add n o) of {Refl ->
case distrR n o m of {Refl ->
case mulComm n m of {Refl ->
case mulComm o m of Refl -> Refl}}}
mulAssoc :: SNat m -> SNat n -> SNat o ->
m :* (n :* o) :~: (m :* n) :* o
mulAssoc Zy _ _ = Refl
mulAssoc (Sy pm) n o = case mulAssoc pm n o of {Refl ->
case distrR n (mulP pm n) o of Refl -> Refl}