Push creates new remote heads! (did you forget to merge? use push -f to force)

This worked for me.

hg push -f

For more command, try

hg help push

If you want to cancel your conflicting changes

hg outgoing

You should see lines containing your commited/conflicting changes which are not pushed. Search for the changeset revision. Here 64

searching for changes
changeset:   64:1830948c246e


hg strip 64

On TortoiseHg you can do this:

1 => Commit your files

2 => Go do your new branch, where you want to push your code

3 => On this branch, run Merge with develop

4 => Push your code whithout errors!

This isn't an "error" message; it's a totally normal situation. That message is saying "hey, other people pushed new work to that repository while you were doing your work, you should probably integrate theirs into your so they don't have to integrate yours into theirs?"

So first do a:

hg pull

and then a:

hg merge

Incidentally the revert you did if you actually used the hg revert command didn't remove those files from history, so your history is probably pretty big.

Consider reading the first few chapters of the Mercurial book it covers these situations quite well.

