PyCharm Community Edition problems with read-only status on project files

I got an answer from JetBrains support. It is a known issue: (and related issues).

The workaround described in solved the issue for me.

Quoted from there:

In Explorer only files have effective RO flags; changing RO flags applies only to files if you were to use the Properties panel. Folders remain with the RO flag for some reason, even though they're perfectly writeable. The IDE fails to "not honour" the RO flag and use ACL instead to see if it can write in a directory. To quickly fix this run these commands in cmd.exe running as an Admin:

attrib -r +s C:\WorkingDir
attrib -r +s C:\WorkingDir\*

Running those two line removes the Ready-Only flag from FOLDERS and replaces it with a System flag instead.

This fixed the issue for me.

For OS X,

Navigate to your project directory and run

sudo chown -R $(whoami) .

I experienced this problem every time I added a new Django app.

Run this command inside the container.

chmod -R 777 ./

