Python check if date is within 24 hours

Like that?

if now-timedelta(hours=24) <= set_date <= now:
    ... #date less than 24 hours in the past

If you want to check for the date to be within 24 hours on either side:

if now-timedelta(hours=24) <= set_date <= now+timedelta(hours=24):
    ... #date within 24 hours

To check if the date is within 24 hours.

Take a difference between the current time and the past time and check if the no. of days is zero.

past_date = datetime(2018, 6, 6, 5, 27, 28, 369051)

difference = datetime.utcnow() - past_date

if difference.days == 0:
    print "date is within 24 hours"

## Also you can check the difference between two dates in seconds
total_seconds = (difference.days * 24 * 60 * 60) + difference.seconds
# Edited. Also difference have in-built method which will return the elapsed seconds.
total_seconds = difference.total_seconds()

You can check if total_seconds is less than the desired time

It is as simple as that:

from datetime import datetime

#...some code...
if ( - pastDate).days > 1:
    print('24 hours have passed')
    print('Date is within 24 hours!')

What you do here is subtract the old date pastDate from the current date, which gives you a time delta datetime.timedelta(...) object. This object stores the number of days, seconds and microseconds which have passed since the old date.

