class python3 code example

Example 1: python class

class Person:#set name of class to call it 
  def __init__(self, name, age):#func set ver = name#set name
    self.age = age#set age

    def myfunc(self):#func inside of class 
      print("Hello my name is " + code that the func dose

p1 = Person("barry", 50)# setting a ver fo rthe class 
p1.myfunc() #call the func and whitch ver you want it to be with

Example 2: class python

class MyClass(object):
  def __init__(self, x):
    self.x = x

Example 3: python class

class Person:
  def __init__(self, name, age): = name
    self.age = age
  def myfunc(self):
    print("Hello my name is " + +".")

p1 = Person("Victor", 24)

Example 4: class python

class Person:
  def __init__(self, name, age): = name
    self.age = age

p1 = Person("John", 36)

p1.age = 40


Example 5: class python

class A:        # define your class A

class B:         # define your class B

class C(A, B):   # subclass of A and B
obj = C() #to create instance
# issubclass(sub, sup) boolean function returns true if the given 
# subclass sub is indeed a subclass of the superclass sup

# isinstance(obj, Class) boolean function returns true if obj is an 
# instance of class Class or is an instance of a subclass of Class