Python Config parser read comment along with value

Alas, this is not easily done in general case. Comments are supposed to be ignored by the parser.

In your specific case, it is easy, because # only serves as a comment character if it begins a line. So variable1's value will be "val1 #comment1". I suppose you use something like this, only less brittle:

val1_line = c.get('local', 'var1')
val1, comment = val1_line.split(' #') 

If the value of a 'comment' is needed, probably it is not a proper comment? Consider adding explicit keys for the 'comments', like this:

  var1: 108.5j
  var1_comment: remember, the flux capacitor capacitance is imaginary! 

Accordiing to the ConfigParser module documentation,

Configuration files may include comments, prefixed by specific characters (# and ;). Comments may appear on their own in an otherwise empty line, or may be entered in lines holding values or section names. In the latter case, they need to be preceded by a whitespace character to be recognized as a comment. (For backwards compatibility, only ; starts an inline comment, while # does not.)

If you want to read the "comment" with the value, you can omit the whitespace before the ; character or use the #. But in this case the strings comment1 and comment2 become part of the value and are not considered comments any more.

A better approach would be to use a different property name, such as variable1_comment, or to define another section in the configuration dedicated to comments:

    variable1 = value1
    variable1 = comment1

The first solution requires you to generate a new key using another one (i.e. compute variable1_comment from variable1), the other one allows you to use the same key targeting different sections in the configuration file.

As of Python 2.7.2, is always possibile to read a comment along the line if you use the # character. As the docs say, it's for backward compatibility. The following code should run smoothly:

config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')
assert config.get('local', 'variable1') == 'value1'
assert config.get('local', 'variable2') == 'value2 # comment2'

for the following config.ini file:

variable1 = value1 ; comment1
variable2 = value2 # comment2

If you adopt this solution, remember to manually parse the result of get() for values and comments.

Your only solutions is to write another ConfigParser overriding the method _read(). In your ConfigParser you should delete all checks about comment removal. This is a dangerous solution, but should work.

class ValuesWithCommentsConfigParser(ConfigParser.ConfigParser):

    def _read(self, fp, fpname):
        from ConfigParser import DEFAULTSECT, MissingSectionHeaderError, ParsingError

        cursect = None                        # None, or a dictionary
        optname = None
        lineno = 0
        e = None                              # None, or an exception
        while True:
            line = fp.readline()
            if not line:
            lineno = lineno + 1
            # comment or blank line?
            if line.strip() == '' or line[0] in '#;':
            if line.split(None, 1)[0].lower() == 'rem' and line[0] in "rR":
                # no leading whitespace
                # continuation line?
            if line[0].isspace() and cursect is not None and optname:
                value = line.strip()
                if value:
            # a section header or option header?
                # is it a section header?
                mo = self.SECTCRE.match(line)
                if mo:
                    sectname ='header')
                    if sectname in self._sections:
                        cursect = self._sections[sectname]
                    elif sectname == DEFAULTSECT:
                        cursect = self._defaults
                        cursect = self._dict()
                        cursect['__name__'] = sectname
                        self._sections[sectname] = cursect
                        # So sections can't start with a continuation line
                    optname = None
                # no section header in the file?
                elif cursect is None:
                    raise MissingSectionHeaderError(fpname, lineno, line)
                # an option line?
                    mo = self._optcre.match(line)
                    if mo:
                        optname, vi, optval ='option', 'vi', 'value')
                        optname = self.optionxform(optname.rstrip())
                        # This check is fine because the OPTCRE cannot
                        # match if it would set optval to None
                        if optval is not None:
                            optval = optval.strip()
                            # allow empty values
                            if optval == '""':
                                optval = ''
                            cursect[optname] = [optval]
                            # valueless option handling
                            cursect[optname] = optval
                        # a non-fatal parsing error occurred.  set up the
                        # exception but keep going. the exception will be
                        # raised at the end of the file and will contain a
                        # list of all bogus lines
                        if not e:
                            e = ParsingError(fpname)
                        e.append(lineno, repr(line))
            # if any parsing errors occurred, raise an exception
        if e:
            raise e

        # join the multi-line values collected while reading
        all_sections = [self._defaults]
        for options in all_sections:
            for name, val in options.items():
                if isinstance(val, list):
                    options[name] = '\n'.join(val)

In the ValuesWithCommentsConfigParser I fixed some imports and deleted the appropriate sections of code.

Using the same config.ini from my previous answer, I can prove the previous code is correct.

config = ValuesWithCommentsConfigParser()'config.ini')
assert config.get('local', 'variable1') == 'value1 ; comment1'
assert config.get('local', 'variable2') == 'value2 # comment2'