Give labels after discretization in python pandas code example

Example 1: difference between cut and qcut pandas

df['ext price'].value_counts(bins=4, sort=False)

(55603.988000000005, 87998.212]     5
(87998.212, 120263.375]            12
(120263.375, 152528.538]            2
(152528.538, 184793.7]              1
Name: ext price, dtype: int64

Example 2: difference between cut and qcut pandas

interval_range = pd.interval_range(start=0, freq=10000, end=200000)
df['cut_ex2'] = pd.cut(df['ext price'], bins=interval_range, labels=[1,2,3])

#There is a downside to using interval_range . You can not define custom labels.