Python-like unpacking in JavaScript

You can achieve that by doing this some_javascript_function(...my_args)

This is called spread operation (as unpacking is in python). view docs here

Unpack using "..."

The same way you accept unlimited args, you can unpack them.

let vals = [1, 2, 'a', 'b'];

console.log(vals);    // [1, 2, "a", "b"]
console.log(...vals); // 1 2 "a" "b"

Example: Accept unlimited arguments into a function

It will become an array

const someFunc = (...args) => {
    console.log(args);    // [1, 2, "a", "b"]
    console.log(args[0]); // 1
    console.log(...args); // 1 2 "a" "b"

someFunc(1, 2, 'a', 'b');

Example: Send array of arguments into a function

const someFunc = (num1, num2, letter1, letter2) => {
    console.log(num1);    // 1
    console.log(letter1); // "a"

let vals = [1, 2, 'a', 'b'];

Send arguments

Once you 've collected the function arguments in an array, you can use the apply() method of the function object to invoke your predefined function with it:

   some_javascript_function.apply(this, my_args)

The first parameter (this) sets the context of the invoked function.