Python: Split unicode string on word boundaries

Chinese doesn't usually have whitespace between words, and the symbols can have different meanings depending on context. You will have to understand the text in order to split it at a word boundary. In other words, what you are trying to do is not easy in general.

the re.U flag will treat \s according to the Unicode character properties database.

The given string, however, doesn't apparently contain any white space characters according to python's unicode database:

>>> x = u'\u7b80\u8baf\uff1a\u65b0\u83ef\u793e\u5831\u9053\uff0c\u7f8e\u570b\u7e3d\u7d71\u5967\u5df4\u99ac\u4e58\u5750\u7684\u300c\u7a7a\u8ecd\u4e00\u865f\u300d\u5c08\u6a5f\u665a\u4e0a10\u664242\u5206\u9032\u5165\u4e0a\u6d77\u7a7a\u57df\uff0c\u9810\u8a08\u7d0430\u5206\u9418\u5f8c\u62b5\u9054\u6d66\u6771\u570b\u969b\u6a5f\u5834\uff0c\u958b\u5c55\u4ed6\u4e0a\u4efb\u5f8c\u9996\u6b21\u8a2a\u83ef\u4e4b\u65c5\u3002'
>>> re.compile(r'\s+', re.U).split(x)

For word segmentation in Chinese, and other advanced tasks in processing natural language, consider NLTK as a good starting point if not a complete solution -- it's a rich Python-based toolkit, particularly good for learning about NL processing techniques (and not rarely good enough to offer you viable solution to some of these problems).