python string template code example

Example 1: template string python

print("Hello {planet}".format(planet='World'))


i = "Hello"

print("{word} World".format(word= i ))

Example 2: new python string formatting

>>> f'Hello, {name}!'
'Hello, Bob!'

Example 3: how to create a string in python

var1 = "A String"

Example 4: python format string with list

>>> print('Skillset: {}'.format(*langs))
Skillset: C

Example 5: template strings in python

>>> 'Hello, {}'.format(name)
'Hello, Bob'

Example 6: string template python

from string import Template
poem = Template('$x are red and $y are blue')

print(poem.substitute(x='roses', y='violets'))
#>>>roses are red and violets are blue