pyyaml is producing undesired !!python/unicode output

I tried many combinations and the only one I can find that consistently produces the correct YAML output is:

yaml.safe_dump(data, file(filename,'w'), encoding='utf-8', allow_unicode=True)

Inspired by the accepted answer, that safe_dump can produce the expected result, I checked the source of python2.7/site-packages/yaml/, and found that the Representer for dump and safe_dump are using different represent functions for unicode.

And the represent function can be overwritten with add_representer. So you can just get the represent function from the SafeRepresenter, and register it to be used in dump.

I have to do this as I have some custom types, so I cannot use safe_dump.

The code is as following:

def represent_unicode(dumper, data):
    return dumper.represent_scalar(u',2002:str', data)
yaml.add_representer(unicode, represent_unicode)

My command to produce the output:

yaml.dump(yml, encoding='utf-8', allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False, explicit_start=True)

python version is 2.7.5, PyYMAL is 3.10.


